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PATENT, PROTECT, PRODUCE AND PROFIT FROM YOUR IDEAS AND INVENTIONS YOURSELF! About The Author: Victor N. Vic-Vincent. The Author has written this book for the Inventor by an Inventor. In this book he not only explains the “How To’s” but also tells of his experiences that the reader can either follow or avoid when creating his or her product or invention. Vic-Vincent has organized promotions for Casino’s, Night Clubs, Yacht Races, Recording Artists, as well as other various celebrities, campaigns and events. He has been involved in many companies and in the sales of hundreds of many different products. He has created many markets himself such as the best selling executive desk plaque called “The Decision Maker!”, men’s and women’s neckties called “Fizzies!”, a board game called “Bankruptcy!”, a transdermal weight-loss patch called “Slimpatch!”, a children’s toy called “The Sticky Ticky!”, an auto bug eradicator called “Alien Bug Remover!”, a liquor cabinet called the “Thirst Aid Kit!”, along with “Listen to my Legacy!”, which gives a voice recorded history of the deceased from their grave stone and many more. He has also started many various innovative wholesale, retail, and internet businesses. Such as, “Vic-Vincent Entertainment”, “American Video Productions”, “Sunshine Surfboard Company”, “Custom Design Swimwear”, “Access International Trading”, “Homes For Sale by Video”, “Vic-Vincent Game Corporation”, “VVC Publishing”, “www.InventorsUSA.com”, “www.InventorsFreeHelp.com”, www.SpringBreakinc.com”, and many more. He also wrote “The Inventors Cookbook” Your Recipe For Success! Vic-Vincent invented and created all of these products and businesses on his own from the bottom up without a degree in marketing. Now he wants to share that information with your readers in hopes they can profit from his knowledge and create their inventions on their own and avoid getting ripped off by those idea/invention submission companies. CLICK HERE TO VISIT BARNES AND NOBLE AND READ REVIEWS. WE RECOMMEND THIS BOOK! CHECK IT OUT!

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